For the girl that loves to workout ALMOST as
much as she loves to EAT (nom nom nom)

Friday, September 21, 2012

You Run for Fun?


Well Hello there..

And WELCOME TO MY VERY FIRST BLOG!! I'm so excited! Can you tell??
I'm Courtney Powell and I'm coming to you live from my bed- in Little Rock, AR. I created this blog because I wanted to share my passion for fitness with other freaks out there in internet land. I get so pumped about working out and I need somewhere to channell all of this excitement. So, I should be sleeping right now (I'm training for the St. Jude Marathon and I have a 9-miler- supposed to be 13-miler) in the morning. I am a bit behind on my running but now that I have this cool blog, I have something (hopefully soon to be someones) to be accountable to. There are so many events that are forth-coming that I am sooooo excited about! For example: the St Jude Marathon- December 1 2012 in Memphis, TN (my hometown, whoop whoop), MY WEDDING (yup, you see that handsome man carrying me on his back? thats my sweetie, James) in March of 2013 (  and the TOUGH MUDDER May 2013! I cant freaking WAIT for the tough mudder. check out their website! Seriously, you watch the opening video and it will make you want to take on the world!
So this afternoon, I stopped by GO RUNNING in the heights today to pick up a few things for my long runs. There is no way I will be able to survive 9 (13- wink,wink) miles tomorrow without water. So I purchased this nifty water bottle that fits perfectly in your hand. See? It even has a cute little pocket for all of your neccessary items (pepper spray, keys, license..etc). I am a bit nervous that holding something in my hands for so long will get on my nerves. I can hear the water slushing around already, lol. Hopefully I won't mind it- I need the water. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow. I plan on heading out at 6am! I need to check my route before I turn in for the night .. ( is an awesome tool to plan running routes, by the way).
I also purchased some sport beans just in case I run out of energy tomorrow. I am NOT a gu person. Unless you wanna see me puke on the thank you. Gimme something that tastes/feels like candy and I'm golden. I don't have the strength to grab the bean package and snap a photo but I promise I will do that tomorrow!
Yeah, this pic has no significance, just throwing it in there for a little AAAHH! =)
Okay, I think it's time to hit the hay, now. That pavement will be calling my name bright and early in the morning!
Love and Light (yeah, im hitting ya with the yogi-speak),

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