For the girl that loves to workout ALMOST as
much as she loves to EAT (nom nom nom)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

You Are What You Eat!

Haha this picture is SO ME!

I missed you guys this weekend! I was super busy so I wasn't able to post but IM HERE!! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and I hope you didn't throw away your weeks worth of great workouts and healthy food choices. It is sooo easy to fall into a slump. You spend monday through friday hitting the gym and picking apples over bags of chips and then as soooooon as you get off work Friday, you're screaming
Man...if I could.......

BUT TAKE IT FROM ME.........people who look like this...

Don't take cheat WEEKENDS and eat this....

I know we would REALLY like it if we could...but we can't have our cake and eat it too. You cant eat crap and expect to look amazing- unless you have those crazy genes that allow you to remain small while eating whatever you want. But don't worry!! Your metabolism WILL SLOW DOWN ONE DAY!!!!
Haha Im just jealous, thats all =)
We have to stay motivated!! It's easy to fall into the "This one burger won't hurt" trap. YES IT WILL! I'm not saying its not okay to indulge every once in a while- but BEWARE OF THE TRAP!

   Yesterday morning I had a 10-miler to accomplish and MAN, was it painful. When working out alone it is so easy to give up when the going gets tough (and your damn legs start to hurt). I must admit, I wanted to stop SO BAD and make a beeline for my apartment but I stayed out there and finished it up. Its not always easy. Its not always beautiful and glamorous like the women's Nike commercials but we must fight through the bad workouts! Don't be easily discouraged! Remember, if it's hurtin, it's workin!

I know this post was quite short but I'm pretty tired. I will post a better one tomorrow, promise!

We will talk about workout pain and relief options! Stay tuned!

Before I go, I'd like to leave you with a little pic-cha...

In other words, drink more water! You can even jazz it up with mint, strawberries, lemons and limes! Water is great for you! It even tricks your brain into thinking your tummy is full so you won't stuff yourself when eating!
Nighty Night!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What the HELL is she Wearing??

So last night I was INSPIRED by my friend Brittany. She texts me and says "could your next blog post be a lesson on what to wear when in the gym?"... PERFECT!
I don't know what some people are thinking when they dress to head to the gym or out on a run. If you are pleasinly plump or even a skinny-mini, wearing "up your butt" shorts and a sports bra to a public place is NOT OKAY. Its distracting- and not in a good way. This goes for guys too!! I know the buff dudes wanna look good FOR THE LADIES but seriously, wearing those itty bitty spandex shorts and crop tops (or t-shirts you have ripped to shreds so that you only have a piece of cloth in the front and a piece in the back) doesn't do it for us. Unless you are in the comfort of your own home, Put on some damn clothes. Thank you! So lets do a BEST DRESSED and a WORST DRESSED rundown.
And although I wouldn't wear it out in public (James would shoot me) occasional runner does the sports bra/running shorts combo. If you MUST wear only a sports bra..make sure your shorts/pants arent clinging to your skin.. like so...
But seriously, most of my readers live in you REALLY want to run around the streets of M-town barely dressed? If so- I hope you got your pepper spray.
Put some clothes on people. Seriously.

I found these on Pinterest and might I say, they are YUMMY!!
All you need to make them is...
1. A cup of dry oatmeal
2. 2/3 cup of toasted coconut flakes
3. 1/2 cup of peanut butter
4. 1/2 cup of wheat germ
5.1/2 cup of chocolate chips
6. 1/3 cup of honey
7. 1 teaspoon of vanilla
 * I didnt have any coconut flakes and they were fine*
I hope you guys give the balls a try. Heehee.
I ran 5 miles today in the hot sun...and I felt like this..
Okay!! I gotta go park my tush in front of the tv..

Peace Out!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Burning Up!


I know I've already posted once today but I after the run I just experienced I must share with you some important "Rules of the Road".
Yes, this is me right now. The look on my face portrays exactly how fun this run was.
I started extra late- which is not good, especially when you are running downtown alone. I didnt get to finish because the sun went down and the hobos came out to play.
I'll make up for it tomorrow- don't yall worry.
So do you know when people say "I was just soo dern busy that I forgot to eat"..
I'm always like...
I'm such a greedy girl..there is no way I could forget to eat..right?
I didn't remember to eat until after I was outside working on mile 1. Damn. IT IS SOOO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER TO EAT- especially for us fitness people. We have to stay energized. And I dont care what anyone says- if you dont get proper nutrition, there is no sports bean in the world that can give you energy to complete a great workout. I wanted to fall down in the grass and stay there until someone noticed- and brought me a snack. But I kept going. I will NEVER do that again.  
It is important that you NOT skip meals. When you skip meals and become SOOOO hungry, you will eat ANYTHING! Then you'll feel guilty afterwards. If you consume healthy snacks throughout the day, when its time for your meals, you won't be as hungry as you can make logical decisions. There have been many times when James was crusing along (while my stomach was eatingmy back) and he would calmly say "Where would you like to eat hunny?"..and I'd be like..

 It is also important that you eat until you are satisfied-- not until you are STUFFED. There is a big difference. Eat until you are not hungry anymore..don't keep eating to the point you're uncomfortable. The ONLY time it's okay to eat until you can't breathe is Thanksgiving.

Totally Kidding...kinda.
There is a difference.
I am guilty of this every once in a while. Are you really hungry?? Or do you need to find a hobby?
Think about it the next time you try to reach for some Oreos.
This could be due to a number of things.. the only reason I thought of this random topic is because the little crack under my nose is on FIRE right now.
This can be caused by makeup or facial moisturizer residue that adversely reacts with the sweat. I use hydroquinone and a tretinoin as an acne/scarring treatment and I forgot to wash my face before I went out. These treatments actually make your face more sensitive to the salt in your sweat and cause it to burn. Wiping off your face too hard with your tshirt or towel probably doesnt make it any better.
Sweat bands help/ and make sure you wash your face before you exercise. Aquaphor (in the baby section) before and after your run helps.. AND WATER! Staying hydrating during your heavy sweat sessions can actually alleviate the burn since your sweat won't be as salty.
Ok guys, thats all for tonight!
I hope you sleep well!
Every Thursday I will post a fun and healthy recipe for you to try! So stay tuned..
May the force be with you,

I'll Take an Order of Yoga, To-Go!


The week is almost over! Only two days left!!
So I didn't get to post anything yesterday, I was in Dallas for work (blah). You wanna see a picture of me being super busy while in Texas? Okay!
 BUUTTT I DID see something in the DFW airport that actually inspired my post today!!

A DAMN YOGA STUDIO IN THE AIRPORT! Who came up with this??
Though I would never use the mats because I dont trust them- what if someone tried to do the downward dog and accidentally peed on the mat a little? Then you come along and put your face on that very mat? Then you'll have pee residue on your face and nobody will want to sit near you on the plane. And there you'll be.

Hahaha!! I know that is TOTALLY worst case scenario- but I still aint using public yoga mats- unless they provide that antibacterial cleaning spray, then maybe. Yikes
No excuse now! Flight delayed? Well get your butt to the yoga studio and strecth it out. NAMASTE.
SO NOWADAYS, it's easy to use the excuse "Im so busy" or "I work so much" or "I'm too tired"..
Honestly, you make time for what you want to make time for. Get to sleep 30 minutes earlier than normal and wake up 30 minutes before you normally do. Use those 30 minutes to fit some exercise into your schedule. You can run a mile or two..or you can do some jumping jacks and pushups. You know those fitness videos you have in the corner collecting dust? Yeah. Pop one of those babies in and get it moving!! YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR PHYSICAL FITNESS.. People! You complain about not being able to lose weight or not being able to eat right- nobody can change that but YOU. You just have to really want it and work like Hell.
My ranting is over. Now I will give you a few exercises that can be done from the comfort of your work desk...
1. Start by parking further away from the door- unless its dark outside
2. Take the stairs
3. Walk the hallways as fast as you can without actually running
4. Shadow box (do a few jabs at the air)
5. Grab some water bottles and do a few curls
6. Underneath your desk, do some football runs. Move those legs super fast!
7. Imaginary jump rope. Get jumping and swing your imaginary rope. Like Rocky does
8. Chair dips. Place the palms of your hands on your chair and your feet on the floor. Move your  tush off the edge of your seat. Bend your elbows and lower your body. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position
Those are just a few. You can google more "At work exercises"... or you can take it to the next level and attend a fitness class nearby on your lunch break! Just pack a bag, and bring a hanger to hang your work clothes while you workout. Take some shower shoes, hurry and wash off and get back to work! Many gyms do lunch hour workouts that are actually shorter than normal classes for the employee on the go!
Have a great day yall!

Monday, September 24, 2012

What Runners Pooch?

Hi Guys,

Well I actually miscalculated and today was a rest day on my running schedule. That is actually good news because my legs still hurty hurty hurt-hurt! So in the spirit of rest days, I decided to have THIS for breakfast.. judge me if you want to, I'm a marathon runner now so if I wanna have a mini muffin I WILL HAVE a blueberry mini muffin. And it was GOOOOOD too.

Now I promise I am a semi-clean eater but even the dedicated fall of the wagon once, or twice..or three times. Ya know- be happy. Don't worry that muffin VANISHED from my body after the workouts I suffered through today. Keep reading.

 I was supposed to rest but I teach a kickboxing class and a cardio sculpt class on Monday nights- back to back- and yes, I do the whole damn class with my students. What a rest day this turned out to be! But I love teaching fitness classes because I love sharing the joy with my students..and the pain, of course =)
 It's always good to switch up your workouts- for example: I love to run. But I can't just run all the time- I have to switch it up so that I can give certain muscles a break and engage other unused muscles. And running can get really boring- really fast. Confuse those muscles! Go swimming, or hiking..or do some yoga!
I asked a few of my students to stay and take a picture with me for my blog so that I'd have something to share with my readers-- these are the troopers that remained for the sweaty pic..All the pretty girls scooted out the door. Haha I'll catch em next time.
OH! I found this helpful picture today which shows one how to run CORRECTLY. Seriously, pay attention to this picture because I promise you- I run with my shoulders slumped and I look like Quasimoto (I'm spelling it like I think it should be spelled- do me a favor, don't google the correct spelling- be nice. It's Monday). I am CONVINCED that I have a Runner's Pooch becuase I dont have good posture while I run. I really tried to fix it but its soo hard to stand up straight while running. You can also get a runners pooch when you don't stretch out your hip flexors properly. So after each workout make sure you STRRREETTCCHH!

Hip Flexin!!


James tried ISOPURE yesterday and he says that he really likes it. I tasted it and it doesnt taste half bad. A small after taste but it has 40 grams of protein and its not thick, like a shake. Its actually tastes like watered down Kool aid... only drawback is- its pretty pricey. This bottle is $4 but the actual powder is $60 for a few weeks supply. Yikes..
Not too shabby..
Before I go:
Since I've been shoving protein supplements down your throat, lets go over some sources of protein that we should all include in our diets...
1. boneless skinless chicken (organic is best)
2. canned tuna
3.wild salmon/tilapia
4.beans and lentils
5. eggs (organic if you can)
6. lean beef- sirloin is good
7.greek yogurt
9. almonds
10.cottage cheese 

Yummy yummy! Now I'm hungry!
OMG doesnt this look sooooo good? Bananas are actually not the best fruit choice for you but they are soooo tasty! My parents would always know when I snuck in (in my college years) to steal food from their pantry because the bananas would be missing! hahaha!

Okay guys!
I hope you have a good night! Tomorrow is my 3 mile trek so I'll let you know how it goes!

Peace and Chicken Grease,