For the girl that loves to workout ALMOST as
much as she loves to EAT (nom nom nom)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'll Take an Order of Yoga, To-Go!


The week is almost over! Only two days left!!
So I didn't get to post anything yesterday, I was in Dallas for work (blah). You wanna see a picture of me being super busy while in Texas? Okay!
 BUUTTT I DID see something in the DFW airport that actually inspired my post today!!

A DAMN YOGA STUDIO IN THE AIRPORT! Who came up with this??
Though I would never use the mats because I dont trust them- what if someone tried to do the downward dog and accidentally peed on the mat a little? Then you come along and put your face on that very mat? Then you'll have pee residue on your face and nobody will want to sit near you on the plane. And there you'll be.

Hahaha!! I know that is TOTALLY worst case scenario- but I still aint using public yoga mats- unless they provide that antibacterial cleaning spray, then maybe. Yikes
No excuse now! Flight delayed? Well get your butt to the yoga studio and strecth it out. NAMASTE.
SO NOWADAYS, it's easy to use the excuse "Im so busy" or "I work so much" or "I'm too tired"..
Honestly, you make time for what you want to make time for. Get to sleep 30 minutes earlier than normal and wake up 30 minutes before you normally do. Use those 30 minutes to fit some exercise into your schedule. You can run a mile or two..or you can do some jumping jacks and pushups. You know those fitness videos you have in the corner collecting dust? Yeah. Pop one of those babies in and get it moving!! YOU MUST TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR PHYSICAL FITNESS.. People! You complain about not being able to lose weight or not being able to eat right- nobody can change that but YOU. You just have to really want it and work like Hell.
My ranting is over. Now I will give you a few exercises that can be done from the comfort of your work desk...
1. Start by parking further away from the door- unless its dark outside
2. Take the stairs
3. Walk the hallways as fast as you can without actually running
4. Shadow box (do a few jabs at the air)
5. Grab some water bottles and do a few curls
6. Underneath your desk, do some football runs. Move those legs super fast!
7. Imaginary jump rope. Get jumping and swing your imaginary rope. Like Rocky does
8. Chair dips. Place the palms of your hands on your chair and your feet on the floor. Move your  tush off the edge of your seat. Bend your elbows and lower your body. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position
Those are just a few. You can google more "At work exercises"... or you can take it to the next level and attend a fitness class nearby on your lunch break! Just pack a bag, and bring a hanger to hang your work clothes while you workout. Take some shower shoes, hurry and wash off and get back to work! Many gyms do lunch hour workouts that are actually shorter than normal classes for the employee on the go!
Have a great day yall!

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