I decided to take a little break from wedding planning to post a little something. I am really enjoying the planning process but I cant wait until I can get back to normal life (and normal money). I'm sure James and Mykee cant wait to hear about something other than the wedding on a daily basis. Does Mykee look tired of me or what? ONLY 40 DAYS LEFT!
Now on to the sweaty stuff!
I'm STILL loving bikram.. and I am SO EXCITED with the response that I've been receiving from my readers. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bikram train..whether for the first time- or after a long hiatus. The benefits are just so great. I started bikram Dec 18 and I am already down 8 pounds! I crave healthier foods and I actually monitor my sleeping habits and water intake. On my way to a better, healthier body. I am getting better at the poses as well... Friday I perfected my Head to Knee pose and got so excited I almost yelped. Luckily I was able to contain my excitement. I treated myself to a yummy Super C Boost juice across the parking lot at Cosmic Coconut with Ashley right after class..dont we look happy??
So what is the PALEO diet? Basically the paleolithic diet shoots you back to the early cavemen era. Before agriculture, refined sugars and processed foods. No bread products, pastas, rices..no milk, no cheese... basically just fresh veggies, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts, healthful oils and lean meats. And not even all of those made the list.
You might wince at all the things that you CAN'T eat but think about this: cavemen didnt suffer acne, gout, heart disease, cancer, diebetes and obesity.
Now let me admit, I do have the one day a week where I eat what I want. I usually go for a latte or cereal..but during the week- I'm not craving those terrible foods. I encourage you to do a little research for yourself.
Okay I have to go and prepare for my busy week! Bridal shower coming this Saturday! Im soooooo excited!!!!!!!
hehe cant wait
Talk to you guys soon!
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