Haha this picture is SO ME!
I missed you guys this weekend! I was super busy so I wasn't able to post but IM HERE!! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and I hope you didn't throw away your weeks worth of great workouts and healthy food choices. It is sooo easy to fall into a slump. You spend monday through friday hitting the gym and picking apples over bags of chips and then as soooooon as you get off work Friday, you're screaming
Man...if I could.......
BUT TAKE IT FROM ME.........people who look like this...
Don't take cheat WEEKENDS and eat this....
I know we would REALLY like it if we could...but we can't have our cake and eat it too. You cant eat crap and expect to look amazing- unless you have those crazy genes that allow you to remain small while eating whatever you want. But don't worry!! Your metabolism WILL SLOW DOWN ONE DAY!!!!
Haha Im just jealous, thats all =)
Yesterday morning I had a 10-miler to accomplish and MAN, was it painful. When working out alone it is so easy to give up when the going gets tough (and your damn legs start to hurt). I must admit, I wanted to stop SO BAD and make a beeline for my apartment but I stayed out there and finished it up. Its not always easy. Its not always beautiful and glamorous like the women's Nike commercials but we must fight through the bad workouts! Don't be easily discouraged! Remember, if it's hurtin, it's workin!
I know this post was quite short but I'm pretty tired. I will post a better one tomorrow, promise!
We will talk about workout pain and relief options! Stay tuned!
Before I go, I'd like to leave you with a little pic-cha...
In other words, drink more water! You can even jazz it up with mint, strawberries, lemons and limes! Water is great for you! It even tricks your brain into thinking your tummy is full so you won't stuff yourself when eating!
Nighty Night!